National Service Scheme

National Service Scheme is a student – centered programme and it is complementary to education. It is a noble experiment in academic extension. It inculcates the spirit of voluntary work among students and teachers through sustained community interaction. It brings our academic institutions closer to the society. It is a link between the campus and community, the college and village, knowledge and action.

The main aim of National Service Scheme is personality development through social service or community service. This programme is to inculcate the social without any prejudice. NSS volunteers work hard day and night to ensure that every one in our society welfare thoughts volunteers work hard day and night to ensure that every one in our society who is needy gets the every possible help from them so that they can also enhance their volunteers themselves learn a lot from the people in village like how to struggle and how to lead a happy life in the extreme scarcity of resources and so on. Another aim is personality development through social service.

NSS Team Gallery